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Natural Cycles refer a friend: How it works and what’s included

Jen on the roof terrace at Natural Cycles headquarters.

Written by Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray is an award-winning writer with more than five years’ experience covering reproductive topics ranging from birth control to planning pregnancy. She is passionate about providing women with accurate information grounded in science they can use to take charge of their own health - while also dispelling myths that exist within the field of women’s health. She holds a Master of Science from the University of Edinburgh and currently lives in Ireland.
If you’re enjoying using Natural Cycles either as birth control or to plan a pregnancy, why not spread the word? In this article, we’ll outline our referral program and cover what you get when your friends sign up for NC° and what they get in return. Read on to find out more…

Get rewarded for every friend who signs up

Every time someone signs up for a Natural Cycles annual subscription using your referral link, you get a reward. No matter who you invite — friends, family, or acquaintances — we want to say thank you for telling your community about the first FDA Cleared birth control app.

You’ll get a gift card or web shop discount of $10 (or equivalent in your currency) for every referral you make. Simply visit the app to find out what’s available in your region. 

Your friend gets a discount

When someone signs up with your referral link, it’s not just you who lucks out, they also get a reward. Your friends are eligible for 20% off their annual subscription plus a free Natural Cycles thermometer. 

Know someone who is thinking about switching to natural birth control or is talking about starting a family? Why not let them know about Natural Cycles? It’s a win for everyone.

Refer ten friends and get NC° free for life

We want to reward our cheerleaders, and our referral program is designed to do just this. The more friends you refer, the more benefits you get! Once you’ve referred ten friends, you automatically become a Star Cycler, meaning you get free access to NC° for life — including all features and modes.

You can check your Cycler Status and keep track of the number of friends you’ve referred via the main menu in the Natural Cycles app. Keep in mind this referral program is only valid for new users who sign up via your link. 

How to get started

The first step to sharing this journey of self-discovery is to find your referral link, you can do this by tapping the menu at the top left of the screen when you open the Natural Cycles app. From this menu, choose ‘Refer a friend’. Here, you’ll see details about what’s included in your referral program and how many friends have already signed up. Click ‘Share your link,’ and you’re ready to go. Simply drop the link in the group chat or DM your besties with the details. 

Share the knowledge 

Most Cyclers switch to Natural Cycles because they’re tired of the side effects of hormonal birth control or because they want to get pregnant faster. One thing we hear time and time again is that our users are surprised by just how much they learn about their bodies once they’ve made the switch.

Whether it’s noticing the physical signs of ovulation, timing a tough workout for when you feel your best, or simply being kind to yourself in the luteal phase, there is so much empowerment to gain from understanding the menstrual cycle. 

If you’ve enjoyed learning about your body with Natural Cycles, why not tell a friend today?

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