Hand holding phone with NaturalCycles app on screen

Welcome to Natural Cycles°

The digital fertility awareness-based method that predicts daily fertility for either planning pregnancy or for use as birth control. 93% effective with typical use, 98% effective with perfect use.


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A certified medical device

Natural Cycles is the first contraceptive app to be FDA cleared in the US and CE marked in Europe (device classes II/IIb). An annual NC° Birth Control subscription can now be reimbursed through insurance.

Natural Cycles app on smartphone

What is Natural Cycles?

Natural Cycles is a technologically advanced fertility app that helps to prevent or plan pregnancy naturally without hormones. 93% effective with typical use, and 98% effective with perfect use. The NC° app is powered by a smart algorithm that analyzes hormone-driven temperature changes to determine an individual’s daily fertility status. While using NC° Birth Control, users can prevent pregnancy by using protection or abstaining from sex on fertile days. Users can also use NC° Plan Pregnancy to pinpoint ovulation and conceive faster. Once pregnant, users can monitor their body and baby’s development with NC° Follow Pregnancy, and after giving birth, they can support their recovery with NC° Postpartum.

The temperature graph in the natural cycles app displaying ovulation, red and green days

How does it work?

The algorithm uses basal body temperature, menstruation data and optional LH test results to determine the fertile window. It confirms ovulation by analyzing temperature shifts caused by hormones.

The user takes her temperature most mornings when she wakes up and enters the reading into the app. The algorithm then learns the pattern of her cycle and is able to assign a daily fertility status. This is given as either a red (fertile) day or a green (non-fertile) day. 

Unlike other fertility awareness-based methods, Natural Cycles adapts to each woman’s cycle, predicting and confirming her specific ovulation. This means Natural Cycles can be used by women with irregular cycles or conditions, such as PCOS, helping them gather data to present when discussing potential health concerns.

Patient sitting down talking with a medical proffessional in a doctors office

How effective is NC° Birth Control?

NC° Birth Control is 93% effective with typical use and 98% with perfect use. Our FDA clearance is based on a study of over 15,000 women, while our certification in Europe is based on 22,000 women. 

Typical use effectiveness includes users who have unprotected sex on fertile days, whereas perfect use counts only users who abstain or use protection on fertile days.

93% typical use effectiveness is based on 100 women using the method over 12 months, meaning on average 7 women out of a hundred get pregnant using NC° Birth Control in a year.

Compare Natural Cycles with other contraceptive options

Here you can see how our effectiveness lines up with common hormonal & non-hormonal methods.

Birth Control Method
Phone with the Natural Cycles app and thermometer
Natural Cycles°
A package of contraceptive pills
illustration of a male condom
Hormonal IUD
Hormonal IUD
Illustration of a Vaginal Ring
Vaginal Ring
illustration of a calendar with some days crossed out
Ovulation Method (Calendar Rythm)
hand with crossed fingers
Pull Out Method
Typical use
Perfect use

Talking to your patients about Natural Cycles

Why not get in touch?

We’re always interested in talking with healthcare professionals and working with businesses in the field of women’s health. If you’re curious about collaboration, or simply want to know more about what we’re doing, why not reach out to our team?

Dr. Jack Pearson

Dr. Jack Pearson (PhD)

Medical Affairs Manager

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